
Showing posts from 2022

Kava - Backstage Roasters

Daugelis Gvatemalą žino kaip kavos šalį, ir tai yra tikra tiesa. Ši Pietų Amerikos šalis užaugina ir eksportuoja beveik 200 mln. Didžioji dalis šios kavos yra komercinė, tačiau rūšinės kavos procentas auga kiekvienais metais. Šiais metais nusprendėme turėti net kelias kavas iš Gvatemalos - pirmojį vasaros sezono kava iš El Porvenir ūkio. 450 hektarų dydžio ūkiui vadovaujantis Don Cesar pažymi, jog jaučiasi galintis prisidėti prie tvaresnio rytojaus. Kasmet jis kartu su komanda didina sodinamų medžių kiekį, taip plėsdamas miškus ir didindamas šešėlį kavamedžiams, bei praturtina dirvožemį mineralais. Auga 1450 metrų virš jūros lygio - tai pakankamai žemas aukštis, kuris kavai suteikia daugiau saldžių, džiovintų vaisių ir kaulavaisių natų. Derliaus metu vidutinė temperatūra ūkyje siekia apie 10-20 °C - tai leidžia uogoms bręsti lėčiau, taip savyje pupelės sukaupia daugiau cukraus. Kava apdirbama šlapiu būdu - po uogų nurinkimo jos yra išplaunamos švariu vandeniu, kitą rytą pupelės yra išl

Listed below are 4 Wooden Floor Tactics Everyone Believes In. Which One Do You Choose?

Real safe yes lets play. Real wood floors also add value to your property making them a good investment. And when it comes to areas that suffer the most from the impact of busy family life, floors are usually top of the list. Underneath the veneer are several more layers of thin wood, all glued together to form a plywood-like sandwich base. Matt lacquers leave boards looking very natural, almost untreated, whilst oils bring out the grain of the wood, but will require a little more care and maintenance than lacquers. Your coating system and the number of coats required will depend on your choice of finish. The number of times a floor can be sanded and refinished also varies - the manufacturers’ recommendations should be taken on this one. Solid wood flooring can be refinished repeatedly; engineered wood flooring can only be refinished a limited number of times, dependent on the thickness of the top veneer. There are several alternatives to engineered flooring, the most obvious being so

Poker Clubs And Rooms In South Korea

Poker fans from South Korea will find our resource comfortable. Relevant as search of info we provide with takes a lot of time. You will find a list of all working poker clubs in South Korea as well as all the information you might need about them, including location and all the games that will take place there. This page contains info about the operating clubs. If you are willing to visit one of these cities on business or vacation, you will be able to make your trip fancier with live poker play, which will spice up your visit. Add our website to bookmarks. You will be aware of all the poker events in South Korea! The roots of modern online poker-related regulations can be traced back to the Betting and Gaming Act of 1960. This act allowed UK residents to bet on Bridge and other games of skill. It also allowed UK-based businesses to open betting shops across the country. In 1965, over 15,000 betting shop licenses had been issued by local magistrates. From playing poker to going all-in

Logan Airport Limo Service

If you are traveling from or to the Logan Airport, you may be wondering what to do. With so many terminals, it can be difficult to know where to get a car to get to your destination. A reliable and professional service can help you find a car within the airport and pick you up at your desired location. You can also book last-minute car services from the convenience of your own home. Fortunately, Logan Limo has you covered. A good Boston Logan Airport car service offers more than a ride from the airport. It gives you some much-needed time to relax and prepare for your trip. It gives you the chance to gather your thoughts and even take a nap. If you need to make an important meeting, it's important to have a professional car service to get you to the right place. When you choose a service, remember that your needs will be taken care of. Logan Airport is located in the city of Boston. There are several car services that offer transportation to and from the airport. But if you need a l